VBS 2025

This year we will look closely at the details of God’s
amazing world, and magnify, or proclaim, the greatness of God.

God made us, cares about us, loves us, forgives us,
and is faithful to keep all His promises to us.


June 9th - 12th

9:00 am - 11:30 am


Sign-up Sheet


Q & A

When is VBS?
June 9th-12th 9:00 am - 11:30 am


Who can attend VBS?
Children 3 - 5th grade


What happens during VBS?
We sing songs, make crafts, have snacks, play games, and learn about the Bible


What does VBS cost?
Nothing, it’s absolutely free! Just like the grace we receive from Jesus!


Can I drop my child off and have someone else pick them up?
Yes, on the sign-up forms you let us know who can pick up the child and we have a sign-in/out sheet.


Can I stay with my child?
Yes, you are welcome to stay with your child during VBS.


Can my child bring a friend to come with?
Absolutely, we just ask that the friend’s parent sign up their child so we have the information on file. 

How do I sign up?
You sign up on our website (using the link above), or in-person at Redeemer the day of.


What will my child need to bring?
On the first day nothing, on the other days we will be collecting a free-will offering of non-perishable items for the Lighthouse; a money offering for a local charity.


How will I know that my kids are safe?
We take safety very important at Redeemer, we require background checks on all volunteers and staff when working with children; youth.


What teachings will be taught at Redeemer’s VBS?
We follow the teachings of the Bible and Martin Luther and we belong to the Lutheran Church- Missouri Synod (LCMS)


Who can I contact if I have more questions?
Sharon Peters at 918-397-2295 or skpy1983@aol.com