
March Sunday School Offering

The March Sunday School offering benefits Camp Lutherhoma in Tahlequah.

The mission of Camp Lutherhoma is to Nurture Discipleship in Jesus Christ, in outdoor settings, which excites believers to share the love of Christ to the world.

If donating by check, please make payable to Redeemer Lutheran Church and memo: Camp Lutherhoma

LWML 2025 National Convention

Date: June 26–29, 2025

Location: Omaha, Nebraska Convention Center: CHI Health Center, 455 N 10th St, Omaha, NE, 68102

Theme: Growing in God's Grace

Scripture Verse: But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity. Amen (2 Peter 3:18).

President: Eden Keefe

Goal Statement: Through Word and Sacrament, I will grow in grace to serve our Lord and proclaim His glory.

For more information, check out, pick up a copy of the Winter 2025 LWML Quarterly magazine from the entryway bench or LWML bookcase, or talk to Beth Fredrick. There is a bus going from Oklahoma.


We stream our first service every Sunday at 8:15 am (unless otherwise announced)

Click to go to our YouTube stream

Altar Flowers

The 2024 Flower Chart in now on the bulletin board in the narthex.

Please sign-up to provide flowers for the Sunday services in honor of or in remembrance of someone or to the glory of God!! Someone will call you to ask what flowers you would like and what you are celebrating or honoring.

Available dates as of Sept. 10th are:

Oct 13 & 20, Nov 10 & 17, and Dec 8 & 15.

Thank you!!